
Discussion Between Argentinian and Salvadoran Regulators on Bitcoin

Bitcoin adoption Argentina El Salvador

The National Securities Commission (CNV) of Argentina engaged in talks with El Salvador’s National Commission of Digital Assets (CNAD) on Thursday, highlighting collaboration on Bitcoin adoption and regulations.

Exploring Argentina’s Position Following El Salvador’s Bitcoin Path

The President and Vice-President of CNV, Roberto E. Silva and Patricia Boedo, met with Juan Carlos Reyes from CNAD to discuss El Salvador’s pioneering move in adopting Bitcoin as legal tender. They aim to learn from El Salvador’s experiences in digital assets regulation and operations.

Dr. Silva praised El Salvador’s leadership in digital assets and expressed interest in strengthening ties with El Salvador. Dr. Boedo also shared insights from her visit to El Salvador, emphasizing the importance of learning from the country’s approach to cryptocurrency regulation.

From the Salvadoran side, Juan Carlos Reyes acknowledged Argentina’s technological prowess and proactive approach to industry regulations. He appreciated the bilateral dialogue to establish a strong regulatory framework for digital assets.

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These discussions align with Argentina’s efforts to enhance regulatory measures for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. The CNV, along with other organizations, is working on implementing new regulations for Bitcoin exchanges, following the decision in March to proceed with supervisory and regulatory frameworks for cryptocurrency exchanges.

The agreements between Argentina, led by President Javier Milei, and El Salvador demonstrate a shared commitment to leveraging the potential of Bitcoin and digital currencies while ensuring effective regulatory measures.

It remains undisclosed whether Argentina sought guidance on adopting Bitcoin as legal tender or for its treasury.

Bitcoin was trading at $68,400 at the time of the press.

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