
Glacier Network Airdrop Guide and Review

Glacier Network

Glacier Network is developing a versatile blockchain platform for data storage and processing that enhances AI and DePIN functionalities.

Glacier Network is linked with several ecosystems like BNB Chain, Filecoin, Arweave, Celestia, and Babylon. They are offering free GLS points through an airdrop for participants. Complete tasks on the airdrop page to earn points or refer others to get 50 points per referral.

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. Visit the Glacier Network airdrop page.
  2. Click on “Start” after scrolling down.
  3. Set up your dataset by following the provided steps.
    • Connect your wallet.
    • Create a namespace and dataset with customized collections and documents.
    • Mint an NFT after GlacierScan indexes your collection.
    • Completing this step earns you 100 points.
  4. Visit the Galxe quests page for other tasks that also give 100 points each.
  5. Both you and your referrals receive 50 points each for a successful referral.
  6. Use the same wallet for all tasks.
  7. Participants will receive GLS airdrops corresponding to their earned points after TGE.
  8. For more details on the airdrop, refer to the official announcement.
Related:  Entangle Airdrop Guide and Review

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  • Website:
  • Ticker: GLS
  • Whitepaper: Download Whitepaper
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  • Telegram Group:
  • Discord Chat: 1710202157 822 Parallel Network Airdrop Announcement-Bitrabo
  • Medium: Karak Airdrop Guide and Review-Bitrabo


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