After being taken into custody in France, Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram, has been released and transferred to a court for interrogation, as confirmed by authorities. This turn of events occurred shortly after his dramatic arrest at a Paris airport, raising concerns about freedom of expression. Durov, a billionaire of Russian descent, was detained under a warrant related to Telegram’s lack of content moderation.
The Paris prosecutor’s office announced that Durov is set to undergo “initial questioning and potential charges” at a court in Paris. He is under investigation for various offenses, including accusations of facilitating fraud, drug trafficking, and the dissemination of child pornography through his platform. Moreover, concerns have been raised about Telegram’s role in providing a platform for terrorist organizations and far-right extremists due to its inadequate content oversight.
Durov’s apprehension has triggered debates on freedom of speech, especially in Ukraine and Russia, where the messaging app is widely popular and essential for communication during Russia’s conflict with Ukraine. Amidst fears surrounding the app’s future, the Kremlin in Russia has tried to allay concerns, with government spokesperson Dmitry Peskov urging users not to delete their sensitive messages.
French President Emmanuel Macron weighed in on the situation, asserting that the legal actions against Durov are not of a political nature. Macron’s unusual involvement in a legal affair underscores the importance of the case at hand.
Telegram, founded by Durov and his brother Nikolai in 2013, boasts more than 950 million users, establishing itself as a prominent global messaging platform. While the app offers encrypted chats for user privacy, it also limits surveillance by law enforcement agencies.
With an estimated net worth of $9.15 billion, Durov resides in Dubai, where Telegram is headquartered, living a luxurious lifestyle. Nevertheless, critics argue that the app has become a hub for individuals coordinating illegal activities, including terrorists involved in the November 2015 Paris attacks.
In a 2016 interview with CNN, Durov remarked, “You cannot make it safe against criminals and open for governments. It’s either secure or not secure.” This statement underscores the challenges of balancing privacy and security in the digital era. As Durov undergoes legal scrutiny, the future of Telegram and its place in the global digital arena remains uncertain.